Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stoneyfield OG Yogurt

Hey y'all!

It is 60 degrees, is anyones pool open?

Welp, today my focus is on Stoneyfield blends fat free vanilla yogurt.
Perks from what you can see: It is organic, vanilla, and has natural live and active cultures in it.

FFs (Fun Facts):

Certified USDA Organic Seal

Approximately .50 - $1.00

Located at Whole Foods Market and Kroger (Other places too, probably & hopefully).


Now to clarify, if I can get yogurt that is whole milk, and not fat free or low fat, I definitely would have chosen the whole milk type. I need all the calories I can get. However, this yogurt was one of the few organic yogurts I spotted on a Kroger trip, so I decided to buy it.
Little did I know, there was a surprise that came along with it. On the reverse side of the lid there was a $1.00 off coupon when you buy three or more Stoneyfield yogurts. This was an ultimate win for me seeings how that same week Whole Foods had a sale on these yogurts for 50 cents each. So basically I would call that a steal in addition to an employee discount. Also, this month, in the Whole Foods flyer there is the same coupon, so the winning continues!
Soooo, would I buy this product again? YES. It is absolutely delicious. I didn't even think to add fruit or granola to the yogurt. It has a rich creamy texture and the flavor is out of this world - for a yogurt. And to top it off, I didn't get sick of eating it as I do when I try to eat a regular old yogurt - shoveling it in my mouth just so I don't waste any of it.
If anyone has had this amazing experience before, please feel free to share.
Until next time,

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