Thursday, December 26, 2013

Herb Terrarium

For Christmas I got an herb garden terrarium starter kit... THANKS MOM! :)
(Find it here: )

So naturally, I will be making a come-back with the gardening shenanigans.

The kit included the following seeds:

1. Basil Seeds

2. Cilantro Seeds  (My favorite!)

3. Dill Seeds

4. Parsley Seeds

5. Sage Seeds (Aromatic! Mmm)

The kit included two soil pods that you add 4 cups of water to so they expand. Then you mix them up and add the white water retentive product. I was debating on doing this because I don't really know what the white stuff is made of or what it is besides its use.

This is the terrarium without the cover on. I put my little mushroom man I bought at the Renaissance Festival this past summer in it. The white things on the top are stones that came with the kit. The kit also had the herb labelers and the red plastic pot with a top for it.
I believe these seeds are conventional because there was no organic label on them.
The seeds are guaranteed to grow so this is also why I believe they are conventional. The seeds should start to sprout in a week or two.
In other news...
A few years ago, my friend Hillarie got me this cool book called "My Dysfunctions" by a company called KnockKnock. See to check it out.
I should have written in it ages ago, I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. I am using it as a journal for my thoughts, dysfunction or not - mainly things that I don't understand, dreams, and things that totally piss me off. I also noticed that every morning I wake up with a song in my head that plays over and over until... I don't really know... Something must bring my attention elsewhere. But I am keeping track of those songs in this book too. I think my dreams are in relation to the songs that I get stuck in my head. I am testing this hypothesis.
Also, Dev got me this cool book that sort of tests your creative mind and motivates you to create something new every day. Its for an entire year, so I plan on starting that in January, but I feel like it might take me more like two years to complete... This is the book: (the web address was toooooo long so click me) . Its called "A Daily Creativity Journal - 365 Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life" by Noah Scalin.
OK sooooo
until next time.

Friday, December 20, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things

Bacon and Mayo and whiskey on bar hops. Bright LED lights in modern day highlights Sparkley paper packages from Hillie and Dev These are a few of my favorite things Rainbow colored tattoos and warm rainy summers E-mails and dog tails and stir fry with noodles Birdies that fly with the twigs in their beak These are a few of my favorite things Men in clean boxers with stocky built bodies People that stay close to me and my blogger Hot cocoa packets and chocolate sea salt - caramel... These are a few of my favorite things When the family yells, when my joints hurt When I'm feeling mad I try to remember my favorite things And then sometimes I feel not so bad Written by ME - Dee. Yep. Inpired by: The Sound Of Music - My Favorite Things

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Confessions of a Fiance.


Mom: What kind of dress do you want?
Me: I don't know.
...I really don't care just as long as it looks good on me.
Mom: Have you dreamed of your wedding, how you want it to be, when you were a kid?
Mom: Nothing at all?
Me: Uhhh, ::thinks:: no.

[[[[[[[[When is the wedding?]]]]]]]]WHENISTHEWEDDING
::pause in deep thought, crack a smile, proceed::
Well we tried for Fall of 2015 but now we we're thinking Summer of 2015. Not sure yet. Changes. I want my girls to wear sundresses. I want to get married outside. I would like to get married by the water. I don't want a standard golf/banquet hall. I want a pretty place - nice architecture or beautiful outdoors.

OOOOh flowers!!!
Nope. No flowers.
But but butttt.

Did I tell you I reallllly don't want it have it at another golf/banquet hall.
Why not?
It's ugly.
Well you could always decorate the inside!!!!!!! :D OHMAHGAHD  :D :D :D :D

Me: Dad should I get one of them hair things with the flowers or should I wear a ...
Dad: Tiara.
Me: A tiara?
Dad: Yeah, why?
Me: Those things are like $300. With all the diamonds?
Dad: $300? Well they aren't real diamonds.
Me: I know they aren't.

Trying to save for a wedding, save for a house, and pay student loans so we can get pre-approved because our debt to income is too high. F^@# you Sallie Mae. "It is improper to write "Sallie Mae" without it being capitalized," said the RED UNDERLINE. Go ahead, try it.

Do you know what it tacky? ... Most of these.
Those. They bother me and burn my eyes. :( GAHH

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to get a Girlfriend / Boyfriend


It's been a hot minute.

No. Its been a cold minute. Like its so cold outside I want to shoot myself sometimes, cold. I won't allow it to be cold unless it snows, and if it snows, I will not attend work. YAYYY---- my dreams. -_-

Well today is actually going to be a blog about some insight into relationships. YEAH YOU OVER THERE. I AM SINGLE/I AM MISERABLE/NOBODY LIKES ME/BLABLABLAHH!!
-----Nobody f*cking cares.

EXCEPT now I am going to do something about it. Take it or leave it! For the single women, and the single men who just can't get it right.
This entry might blow your mind or blow your ...

So once upon a time there was a little girl who had a crush on this kid ... let's call him... Timmy. Now, she was LIKE toooootally in looooove with him. She would wait around and wait around until he would ask her to dance. And NEVER did. BOOHOO. As a 12 year old, this is devastating. Especially when you're trying realllly hard not to be a poser but to accepted by the twats that actually grow up to be losers and low-life welfare suckers. I mean, who would want her anyways? She was a nerd, straight-A student, naïve, uninteresting, no self-confidence, and had no idea about the world around her.

And then some time passed. And nothing magical happened. Nothing. Well, she gained a few pounds - 90lbs was a celebration. Confidence was up, hormones were sky high. And she had a crush again... This time with a kid named... well we can call him Wincey. Wincey was very nice, had curly hair, played guitar, and oooooo soooo dreamy!! And Wincey and this girl danced at band camp together. However, that was the end of that. And to this day he does not remember dancing with this girl. Ahole.

Then a magical, mystical creature appeared. That is when things changed... foooorreeevvverrrr...
Until she went to college, broke his heart, bounced around, and now has some pretty amazing insight about relationships, if I do say so myself - OH WAIT! I wasn't supposed to give that part away.

If you are single, it can go both ways. We can skip all the grand bullshit that you don't want to hear about ohhh you can bang whoever you want, or you don't have any attachments, you can live YOUR life, save money laaaa tee dah... But like I said NOBODY CARES. And your friends don't care either.

1. Stop it with the bullsh*t and be real with yourself. Your looks may or not be astounding, but in the end, when you show your true self, you're either lovely or ugly. Check yourself.

2. Do something. Anything. Besides your job. Create a hobby, look for things that tickle your brain. Do things that you hate just so you have SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT. Just don't be a total hater when you bring it up in conversation. Standing for something is something to be said.

3. This correlates with #2, become cultured, well rounded, bright, knowledgable. The last thing you want is to be at the table and have nothing to talk about. Sound familiar? Yeah, I agree, it sucks. It not only sucks for you, but it sucks for the girl when she decides to cut you short and never answer your calls. Why? Because you have nothing, NOTHING to talk about. Why are you calling again?

4. Stop it with the obsessions. Hobby: Something to do occasionally that brings joy in your life. Obsession: Something you do all the time and you'd rather pluck your eye out with a spoon than not have it . Unless of course, that girl is obsessed with  Anna Kournikova too, then I guess that's OKAY. She is pretty stellar...

5. Stop it with the cries. Stop being a depressed motherf*cker or should I say, you wish you were?.... Girls want a CONFIDENT man. Confident. And yes there is a fine line between confident and cocky. Confident: Yes I can do this, Cocky: I am the only one in the world who can do this.

6. Go out. Go to the bar. Go to the book store. Go for a walk. Go to the grocery store. Offer to pay for groceries - hit or miss. Look around you. Is she wearing a ring??? Does she have a kid??? Is she wearing socks with her sandals or is she wearing a cute dress or looks like she did her hair that day. A little insight: Girls that look like they made an effort are either A. high maintenance or B. SINGLE!! Try her on for size.

7. Practice. PRACTICE. Look at yourself in the mirror. Yes, do it! Just tell yourself some good things about yourself. Imagine a conversation. Have nothing nice to say? Do something about it.

8. Don't have a job? Get one. Don't have transportation? Figure it out. Don't be a Timmy. Nobody likes a broke ass boyfriend. And certainly not a broke-ass husband.

9. What have all your exes said to you... Think about it. Why did they break up with you? Any patterns? And you thought it was just them overreacting, aye? Looks like you need to re-evaluate their opinions because they are proooobably right. Ooooh I bet that hurt.

10. Whatever you do, DON'T LIE. With enough outside experience, shape shifting, research and application, you should be morphed into some HUSBAND MATERIAL. Not saying you are ready for marriage, but, would you want to be with you? Forever if that time comes?

11. High standards? Okay, maybe thats a good thing. But, maybe you've been looking at too many pornos, watching too many movies, or forgotten that your generation was raised on a white picket fence generation and Disney movies. This is 2013 (soon 2014) ... women work now, pinup girls are scarce, and your middle school crush is moving on with her life. So move on with yours, bring yourself to the level you expect your girl to be at, and pat yourself on the back.

For the Girlies...

1.Oh good God this will be difficult.

2. Just had to get that out of the way... Now what's wrong sweets? You can't get a boyfriend because A. You're not confident, B. You have baggage, C. You are too high maintenance? D. You are utterly and remotely dependent on your man. E. All men suck. Let me help you.

3. A. Your confidence: Who gives a shit if you are fat. Nobody cares enough to point out every fat person in the world. Why? You aren't the center of attention. If you can't be comfortable with yourself, then do something about it - for yourself. NOT for other people. Some people were born to be a lot of loving. Believe it or not, being skinny isn't any better. Advice for losing weight? Well besides my AMAZING and cursed metabolism, I may be called skinny for my soda and candy intake is about four times a year, my fast food intake is that or less, and I do basic mundane exercises regularly. Just do one exercise a day. That's one more than you were doing before. Eating less garbage and getting your muscles working will make you feel a ton better. Really, really, it will.

4. B. Baggage. You have a psycho ex-boyfriend. My solution: ditch him. Cut the cord. You know in your heart you will always love him, and he may (or may not) always love you. But that is not what makes a healthy relationship. You have to do something for yourself now, because in the end, it will only be you on your death bed. I doubt he will be next to you holding your hand. Stop thinking about it, he won't. Because you are cutting him off. Yes, you are, don't argue with me. If he continues to bother you, talk about you, to friends, anything - threaten a restraining order. Trust me, it works.

5. C. Pretty girl - You may end up in his house, with his money and your kids, not working. But is that your perfect set-up? Because you won't ever see your busy husband, and all of us middle class girls will be looking at you, rolling our eyes in disgust. Because you are just terribly spoiled. Your morals are in the wrong place and your psycho child making it hard for my kid to learn because he's spoiled rotten and throwing inanimate objects because he doesn't get enough attention from daddy - at my kid who actually has the potential to invent the cure for disease that your husband will die from. When your husband dies, what will you be left with? A big house and a Gucci bag? Good for you. Nobody respects you. This entry is not for you. /rant.

6. Men go after women who look like they are put together. Unfortunately in our society, women are seen as the perfect sex symbol. So if you are dressing in socks and sandals and expect to score a man because you want to "be yourself", try putting on some butt jeans and brushing your hair, you slob. Are you attracted to hobo-esque men? I didn't think so. GET IT TOGETHER. I don't wear more than mascara and I bum pants it alllll day. Why? Because I'm engaged, I don't need to attract anyone. Now- I'm not saying wear a trashy short dress and heels, just, take a shower and put a smile on. If you can't get anyone's attention, the only way is to make friends and mayyyybe they will see what potential you two could be. You can just wait and do nothing for yourself...

7. Girls like to jab. Jab jab talk talk peep peep chit chat paddywhack. Okay cool. Don't let the cat out of the bag on the first date. (This also applies to men). They don't need your whole life story on the first date. It freaks people out. And if you do go through all of it, you are a scary and boring person. Go do something so you can make more of a yes or no question.

8. Most girls wait for the man to come up to them. Well, I'm telling you right now, you will have to make the move. If you think he is Mr. Right, or could potentially be him, then take action! He may have overlooked you because he was watching the game on television; I don't know. Just go for it. Worst case he ignores you, then you can leave, or come up with a witty comment to make him feel like a tool. Or start incoherently screaming at him. That will get someone's attention...

9. Change your direction: Look elsewhere. If you're only into Hispanic guys, try a white guy. Just try it out. If you are racist, well, then, I can't help you. Try different foods, go different places. On your period? Too bad, you're going out tonight. Just. Go. Pound that Midol. Strap a hot pack to your belly. You get a FREE MEAL anyways! And potential leftovers. Get that chocolate brownie with ice cream. Get itttt.

10. If you are scampering around looking in all men's eyes for comfort, dressing like a prostitute, constantly doubting yourself, not wearing panties, sticking your tongue out like Miley or pretending you're the best thing since sliced bread, would you want you? Don't be dirty. Everyone has a history, start a new chapter and present yourself accordingly.

11. Whoops got off track - D. Utterly dependent on your man. - You are a gold-digger and this article does not apply to you. See # 5 of HOW TO GET A BOYFRIEND if you are still confused.

12. E. All men suck? Yeah all mean really do suck - maybeeee less than 3% are "husband material" - which makes our deal slim-pickin's, but WOMEN ARE ASSH*LES TOO. If this is something important to you, then you can't give up and give in. Just keep going.

Overall, y'all need to re-evaluate, broaden your horizons, take a shower and dress comfortably. Things will roll ahead.


(Disclaimer: These words are based on true and factual stories. The names in this entry are replaced with a surrogate to protect the innocent. Some information may come off as biased and I don't care what you think. I am not a doctor. Please initiate for your improved luck with love.)

Monday, September 23, 2013


happy fall y'all!

its gettin' a bit chilly lately... and the plants are not doing so well.
and its not because of the weather...

well, lets put it this way: dad raked the weeds out of the garden... AKA my bean plants and squash plants! i was SO mad. but, i forgive him.

it was really wet in the backyard so the squash plants didn't do too well at all. they produced probably one squash per plant and they all turned yellow before they were ready to be picked. my solution for next year is to make a raised bed so the soil can drain. we live in a very humid and wet environment being so close to the lake.

i thought this was going to be a more productive blog.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Animals, Shopping Lists, Garden and Engagement

Good Morning!

Lets start out with ... animals :)

(In Oklahoma)

^Female Soft Coated Wheaten

^ Male Soft Coated Wheaten

^ Poodle mix. SHES SO TINY :D

And none of these animal belong to me!
Moving on...

I never got a chance to share my last entry of shopping lists, so here they are... enjoy...

^This one and the one below were on the same paper... I would have started on the white side too, probably.

^This one and the one below were on the same paper... I guess the tree was in the way?

And onto the garden...

^ Can you find the squash?

^ I put up chicken wire because something (probably rabbits) were eating my zucchini flowers. Apparently we can eat them too... You can fry them if you choose or put them in an omelet, pilaf, or salad. But without the flowers, we don't get the squash. I never really thought about the technicalities of growing a squash ... basically the squash stem that is the lighter green on the zucchini comes from the flower after it "dies" and then it grows like a pumpkin vine. I guess I could have figured that out myself since pumpkins are technically a type of squash!

Does anyone remember when I said I planted morning glories? Probably not. That's because they never grew... However - when I too a gander at the garden yesterday morning (around 7AM) I discovered these morning glories that my neighbor who is diagonal from me must have planted, AND THEY ARE TAKING OVER!!! I am excited! They are pink and BEAUTIFUL. :) I will enjoy these more than the blue ones that never grew.


Here is an overall photo. I would say within the last two weeks the plants have been working really hard to produce fruits and veggies and have grown 25% in size in comparison since their first growth spurt. All of the bean bushes are successfully producing beans. I was able to eat a nice handful yesterday with my macaroni and cheese :D
Next on the agenda... I am now officially engaged (YAY) ... That would be to Kyle... We met in high school and basically that is where I signed off my heart whether I  knew it or not. And to keep things semi-private I won't tell you his last name or post photos of us/our faces. However, I can tell you that I am very happy... He was able to propose to me at the Michigan Renaissance Festival as this was always something we would attend together. His plan A and B fell through so his plan C was to do it where the mermaid pond is ... There is a gazebo. Its a very pretty gazebo and it was overgrown with foliage so not many people saw (maybe 2-3) and we weren't really paying too much attention at this point to the people around us.
In sharing this information, I am forewarning you that I may add bits and pieces to this blog about wedding plans and how smoothly, costly, and time consuming the whole process will be. Plus, we only have a few more weeks before mother nature kills my garden. The wedding is planned for the summer or fall or 2013, so we have two years, baby!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Peace Project

I just wanted to announce my second submission for - Peace Project.
Here is my submission: 2750 &y=2013 

I would like to encourage others to participate in something that helps provide positive changes for others.
For artists - they have a section for job postings - something to check out.
And their shop has lovely items made by artists in California.

Its easy to do - sign up (its free) and you are in.

Speaking of signing up, I currently quit Facebook. It was consuming my soul - I will keep you updated on how it has affected me in my daily life and if I believe Facebook is worth it or not. :)


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fishflies, Beans and Aloe

First of all, I would like to share that on my birthday (back in June), I woke up and looked out the window, and what caught my eye - the very first fishfly... This is what the Michiganders call 'em. Which I guess is actually a "Mayfly" after doing some Googling. For those of you who don't understand, allow me to explain how this has a significant impact on the lives of us who live by Lake Huron (one of the five greatest bestest lakes).

They pretty much feel like they are taking over, and they smell like ... well... fish. They love gas stations.

Yeah, those are dead fishflies.


16 weeks or something like that
My Burgundy Bean Bush plants are making beans!

I picked three because that's all that were ready, and I sauteed them in olive oil and added fresh chopped garlic. I read somewhere they turned green when you heat them, so I was only partially startled to find my beans turning green. And, I was kind of in denial. Like, "No way! They are purple not green. If I wanted green beans I'd get green beans!" However, it was true... I was a little disappointed, but, whatever.

They were delicious.


Lastly, I wanted to scrip scrapple about aloe... I was buying this amazing aloe drink that made me feel pretty good when I drank it... It was *Alo* (I put their Facebook page because their website took too damn long and wasn't loading). ( ... Anyway I always got the cranberry pomegranate aloe one from Whole Foods Market, and it was always a treat. It's sweetness on a factor of 1-10 was maybe a 4, and it was fun to chew on the aloe in the bottle. I heard it was good for inflammation, so when my knees were hurting, I thought it wouldn't hurt to eat some... Just be sure not to choke on the aloe in your drink 0.0

So instead of throwing monies away, polluting the air for plastic production/recycling, I decided to try this experiment myself. My boyfriend Kyle's mother has aloe plants, and she doesn't know yet but I butchered one of the plants. (...You can't really tell). 

At the base where I cut it, the Aloe smells bad like B.O. I'm not even kidding. It was gross and I was wondering why anyone would want to put that in their mouth. Its secretion was yellow-ish and unappealing. However, I poured a glass of 365 Cranberry Juice and mixed some other random juice I found in the refrigerator, added cut aloe, and voila! I made an aloe drink.

Fresh Aloe

I only cut off five leafy thinger ma bobs

And I just found out the yellow stuff was used as a laxative... Ehhhhhhhhhhh >.<

This is actually what aloe looks like without the skin. Yes, cut/peel the skin off before you eat it! I never used a fresh aloe "leaf" before for anything, so this was fun. If you don't know, its just like the stuff you buy at the store for your sunburn... gooey and clear. 

Final result.

Now I am going to try it. Yes, I am sitting here thinking "Why am I writing this... I don't even know if its any good..."


Verdict: Perfect. I can't even taste the aloe. I would suggest putting maybe a quarter cup of cranberry juice and mixing it with other sweet juices though, it was too much cranberry :(


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Easy Access

Happy Birthday to ME! My birthday was the 13th. It was lovely. I worked.
I also got a new job.
And my plants are looking FABULOUS.
Take a looksy:
^ One of the Burgundy Bean Bushes FLOWERING :D (They are all flowering)
We got some new additions (as stated in the last post). Here are the tomato plants you all have been waiting patiently for:

^ Marglobe Tomato (Marglobe Tommies)

^ Roma Tomato Plant (Romas)

^ Cherry Tomato Plant (Sounds Promising)
Sorry again, for all the grass. However, I found the button on my camera phone to change the lighting. Finally. 6 months after my purchase.

^ Overall Progress

^ Weepy on 06-16-13 (lower plant pictured)
^ Weepy on 06-18-13! (lower plant pictured) Just two days later. We have flowers!!!
These were the Scallion/Onion. The left was grown outdoors, the right was grown indoors. I brought the one from the indoors to the outdoors about 2 or 3 weeks ago. It became a dark green like the one pictured on the left. When I transplanted them today, I noticed the one that started outdoors had bulbish roots and were stronger roots. I would suggest planting the seeds OUTDOORS to start. No need to start them indoors. They do come up later than planting them indoors - about 2-3 weeks.

^ What I call bulbish roots

^ New habitat.
The planter is metal with a painted finish. I am hesitant about it because it does not drain. However, I figure eventually it will rust out by nature if I'm lucky ;) It was $6.99.
The potting soil and flower pot I got from a place called Christmas Tree Shops. The soil was $2.99 a bag and claims to be organic. And it said "ready to use" which, I didn't know that soil was never really ready to use... I used a little over half a bag to fill the metal flower pot. I took the plastic milk jug half and put it in the backyard to collect rainwater for watering. I also did this with all the other containers. I am ignoring the fact that it may indeed look like a small recycled garbage pit. As long as mom and pops don't say anything about it, I'm golden.
My plants are easy. Easily accessible :)
Anddddd I'm done for today.