For Christmas I got an herb garden terrarium starter kit... THANKS MOM! :)
(Find it here: )
So naturally, I will be making a come-back with the gardening shenanigans.
The kit included the following seeds:
1. Basil Seeds
2. Cilantro Seeds (My favorite!)
3. Dill Seeds
4. Parsley Seeds
5. Sage Seeds (Aromatic! Mmm)
The kit included two soil pods that you add 4 cups of water to so they expand. Then you mix them up and add the white water retentive product. I was debating on doing this because I don't really know what the white stuff is made of or what it is besides its use.
This is the terrarium without the cover on. I put my little mushroom man I bought at the Renaissance Festival this past summer in it. The white things on the top are stones that came with the kit. The kit also had the herb labelers and the red plastic pot with a top for it.
I believe these seeds are conventional because there was no organic label on them.
The seeds are guaranteed to grow so this is also why I believe they are conventional. The seeds should start to sprout in a week or two.
In other news...
A few years ago, my friend Hillarie got me this cool book called "My Dysfunctions" by a company called KnockKnock. See to check it out.
I should have written in it ages ago, I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. I am using it as a journal for my thoughts, dysfunction or not - mainly things that I don't understand, dreams, and things that totally piss me off. I also noticed that every morning I wake up with a song in my head that plays over and over until... I don't really know... Something must bring my attention elsewhere. But I am keeping track of those songs in this book too. I think my dreams are in relation to the songs that I get stuck in my head. I am testing this hypothesis.
Also, Dev got me this cool book that sort of tests your creative mind and motivates you to create something new every day. Its for an entire year, so I plan on starting that in January, but I feel like it might take me more like two years to complete... This is the book: (the web address was toooooo long so click me) . Its called "A Daily Creativity Journal - 365 Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life" by Noah Scalin.
OK sooooo
until next time.