I was able to purchase some organic seeds from Whole Foods the other night, and so now I am ready to plant again!
What I bought:
White Lisbon SCALLION ($1.79) for 2 grams.
Black Beauty ZUCCHINI ($2.39) USDA ORGANIC for 3 grams.
Royal Burgundy BEANS ($2.39) USDA ORGANIC for 15 grams.
Heavenly Blue MORNING GLORY ($1.69) for 2.5 grams.
These were
Botanical Interests brand, and prices were determined by the packaging.
I only planted some of the seeds in each packet. I did not plant any of the Morning Glories yet.
One other excellent thing about this product is that they educate their consumers. Each packet has information on the inside of the seed bag such as general information, to storage, to what family they are from. However, I am not sure if other seed producers also offer the same information.
What I started with were some odd plastic containers (2 milk jugs and a juice jug).
I bought
Organic Choice Potting Mix for $5.95 at the local Home Depot. It is formulated with compost bark,
sphagnum peat moss and pasteurized poultry litter.
And somehow I was suckered into buying a friendly cactus for the same price. It is my sunshine for today :)
I cut the jugs in half. These will act as a greenhouse for the plants. I removed the cap for air circulation.
ONION seeds ^
BEAN seeds ^
I filled the bottoms of the containers, and read the packets of seeds to see how deep the seed needed to be planted as well as the horizontal distances. The average depth range for these seeds were 1/4" - 1", and the spacing was all over the board (so I used a few seeds for the small jugs) and added a little water to start.
I placed the jugs outside in direct/indirect sunlight after attaching the tops with tape and a label. Some lady I spoke with at work told me that she did this (a few weeks ago) and they were already sprouting. Now, it is still snowing here occasionally, so I don't know how trustworthy this is, but I am giving it a shot. Due to space allowances, I am not able to keep a control plant indoors. The seed packets did not suggest to start seeds indoors anyway!
I will keep you all updated on the babies.